About Speedtracker

Speedtracker is a leading provider of high tech measuring devices for sports enthusiasts.

Designed with professional marksmen and competitive shooters in mind, Speedtracker’s precise and reliable performance is indispensable for those aiming to optimize their skills and results. Its capability to directly attach to the firearm provides accuracy that is critical for fine-tuning shooting techniques and achieving ballistic precision.

The device’s durability and advanced features support rigorous training and competitive environments, making it an essential tool for achieving top-tier performance in shooting sports and precision disciplines.

With Optex Systems’ acquisition of Speedtracker in January 2024, the product is positioned as a game-changer in the chronograph market. Its unique form factor and direct firearm attachment method offer an unmatched level of accuracy, setting a new standard for projectile velocity measurement. The durable aluminium housing further distinguishes Speedtracker in a market previously dominated by less durable options, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.

Optex Systems’ renowned expertise in military optical product development and quality control guarantees the highest standards of quality and innovation, making Speedtracker the preferred choice for professionals and competitors seeking the best in precision and durability.



First Chronograph patented to attach to your firearm


Launched Worldwide with 1000 units sold


Advanced Beamforming technology introduced


Stay tune!